Error log: TESLA MEMORIJAL 2008
 Kategorija OI
 Station:   OK1DEU
 Locator:   JO80DD
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  OI kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OK2JI          | 55     8 | 56    40  JN89MW |                 59   33         |       | -  59
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -   59
 Claimed QRB score:     2724
 Corrected QRB score:   2665  Errors: 2.2%
 Number of valid QSOs:    22
 Total of 7 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   S50C
 Locator:   JN76JG
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  OI kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OK2KYC         | 59    39 | 59    43  JN99BM |                 52              |       | - 439
 9A4M           | 599   48 | 599    3  JN85EI |                 59              |       | - 160
 OE3PLW         | 59    72 | 55    13  JN78NW |                 59              |       | - 298
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  897
 Claimed QRB score:    25917  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=25919)
 Corrected QRB score:  25022  Errors: 3.5%
 Number of valid QSOs:    82
 Total of 30 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   S50C
 Locator:   JN76JG
 Band:      2.3 GHz
 Categoty:  OI kat. 2.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OM3W           | 599   22 | 559   18  JN99CH |                599              |       | - 424
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  424
 Claimed QRB score:     9417  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=9419)
 Corrected QRB score:   8995  Errors: 4.5%
 Number of valid QSOs:    27
 Total of 19 WWL Squares Worked
 Station:   S50C
 Locator:   JN76JG
 Band:      3.4 GHz
 Categoty:  OI kat. 3.4GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OK2RKB         | 59     8 | 59     2  JN88HU |                599              |       | - 319
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  319
 Claimed QRB score:     2634
 Corrected QRB score:   2315  Errors: 12.1%
 Number of valid QSOs:     9
 Total of 7 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   S50C
 Locator:   JN76JG
 Band:      5.7 GHz
 Categoty:  OI kat. 5.6GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 HA5SHF         | 599   10 | 599    5  JN97FQ | HA5SHF/p                        |       | - 320
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  320
 Claimed QRB score:     3637  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=3638)
 Corrected QRB score:   3318  Errors: 8.8%
 Number of valid QSOs:    15
 Total of 10 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   S50C
 Locator:   JN76JG
 Band:      10 GHz
 Categoty:  OI kat. 10GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OM3W           | 599    1 | 59     1  JN99CH |                599              |       | - 424
 OK5Z           | 59     2 | 599    1  JN89AK |                 59              |       | - 365
 HA5SHF         | 59     5 | 59     2  JN97FQ | HA5SHF/p                        |       | - 320
 OK2PWY         | 55     9 | 55     3  JO80HB |                 59              |       | - 443
 IW4CJM/6       | 59    20 | 59     4  JN63IL | IW4CJM                   JN63HV |       | - 352
 I6CXB/p        | 59    21 | 59     4  JN63RO | I6CXB                           |       | - 315
 I5CTE/5        | 599   32 | 599    6  JN53TP |                 59              |       | - 384
 IW3IGM         | 55    39 | 55     5  JN55ST | IW3IGM/3        59   15         |       | - 257
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 2860
 Claimed QRB score:    11312  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=11317)
 Corrected QRB score:   8457  Errors: 25.3%
 Number of valid QSOs:    33
 Total of 18 WWL Squares Worked