Error log: TESLA MEMORIJAL 2008
 Kategorija OH
 Station:   E75DX
 Locator:   JN84MX
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  OH kat. 432MHz single OP

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 9A5Y           | 59     1 | 59    10  JN85OO |                          JN85PO |       | -  71
 9A1W           | 59    10 | 59    16  JN75ST |                      15         |       | - 150
 OL7M           | 59    16 | 59   108  JO80FG |                 55  165         |       | - 591
 OK2KKW         | 599   22 | 599  103  JO60JJ |                     183         |       | - 681
 OK2KYC         | 599   24 | 599  141  JN99BM |                559              |       | - 512
 OM5M           | 59    27 | 59   115  JN88RS |                     119         |       | - 423
 OM3EB          | 59    28 | 59    63  JN97CT | OM3WEB                          |       | - 328
 OL4A           | 599   38 | 599  349  JO60RN |                     339         |       | - 677
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 3433
 Claimed QRB score:    13371  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=12588)
 Corrected QRB score:   9155  Errors: 27.3%
 Number of valid QSOs:    32
 Total of 14 WWL Squares Worked
 E75DX Unique QSOs:

 Station:   OK1DEU
 Locator:   JO80DD
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  OH kat. 432MHz single OP

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:     2182
 Corrected QRB score:   2182  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:    24
 Total of 8 WWL Squares Worked
 OK1DEU Unique QSOs: