Error log: TESLA MEMORIJAL 2008
 Kategorija OF
 Station:   9A1K
 Locator:   JN85JL
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 T92B           | 59    39 | 59     1  JN84XE |                                 | NIL   | - 171
 9A1AAX         | 59    72 | 59     5  JN85QG | 9A1AAY                          |       | -  52
 9A0P           | 59    95 | 59    15  JN86OB | 9A08P                           |       | -  73
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  296
 Description of other errors:
 NIL = Not in the log
 Claimed QRB score:    13584  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=13655)
 Corrected QRB score:  13359  Errors: 2.2%
 Number of valid QSOs:   130
 Total of 12 WWL Squares Worked
 9A1K Unique QSOs:
  HA5EDM     JN96NL

 Station:   9A2UI
 Locator:   JN95FQ
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:    19586  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=19656)
 Corrected QRB score:  19656  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:   138
 Total of 11 WWL Squares Worked
 9A2UI Unique QSOs:

 Station:   9A3CAA
 Locator:   JN85QG
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:     1579  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1594)
 Corrected QRB score:   1594  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:    23
 Total of 6 WWL Squares Worked
 9A3CAA Unique QSOs:

 Station:   9A3CAC
 Locator:   JN85QG
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 E77TT          | 59     7 | 59    21  JN84OR |                          JN84OS |       | -  62
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -   62
 Claimed QRB score:     1584  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1598)
 Corrected QRB score:   1536  Errors: 3.9%
 Number of valid QSOs:    22
 Total of 6 WWL Squares Worked
 9A3CAC Unique QSOs:

 Station:   9A3CAO
 Locator:   JN85QG
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:      756  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=762)
 Corrected QRB score:    762  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:    10
 Total of 4 WWL Squares Worked
 9A3CAO Unique QSOs:

 Station:   9A3UJ
 Locator:   JN85JL
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 9A4TT          | 59    14 | 59    29  JN85LW |                      26         |       | -  53
 YT1WP          | 59    33 | 59    22  JN93WF |                          JN93WX |       | - 351
 9A5AHB         | 59    88 | 59     6  JN84UH |                          JN85UH |       | - 149
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  553
 Claimed QRB score:    12401  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=12470)
 Corrected QRB score:  11917  Errors: 4.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:   121
 Total of 10 WWL Squares Worked
 9A3UJ Unique QSOs:

 Station:   9A5TJ
 Locator:   JN95JG
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YT7RQ          | 59    32 | 59    13  JN95VD | YU7RQ                           |       | -  80
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -   80
 Claimed QRB score:    19691  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=19765)
 Corrected QRB score:  19685  Errors: 0.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:   145
 Total of 11 WWL Squares Worked
 9A5TJ Unique QSOs:
  9A8DU      JN95JM
  E73ASS     JN94LO
  E73DAT     JN94IK
  E73MRB     JN94OS
  E74BC      JN94KL
  T92PQF     JN94IK
  T92RRX     JN94OS
  T94B       JN94LO
  T95LAY     JN94FV
  YU1QX      JN94DL
  YU7RAX     JN95WG

 Station:   E73JHI
 Locator:   JN85KA
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 9A5Y           | 59     5 | 59    68  JN85PO |                      61         |       | -  73
 9A2GS          | 59     8 | 59    14  JN75KT | 9A3ZC                42  JN75XT |       | - 180
 E78AB          | 59    10 | 59    21  JN85OR |                          JN84OR |       | -  83
 9A1IG          | 59    15 | 59    45  JN83CW | 9A1CIG                          |       | - 132
 9A6NIK         | 59    24 | 59    30  JN85KW |                          JN85KV |       | - 102
 9A7KFF         | 59    30 | 59    17  JN75OC | 9A7KFF/p                        |       | - 132
 9A1B           | 59    38 | 59   135  JN85OV |                     136         |       | - 101
 S50G           | 59    46 | 59   169  JN76KC |                599              |       | - 197
 E75DJ          | 59    54 | 59     6  JN74WT | E70DX                           |       | -  83
 9A7GWA         | 59    59 | 59     3  JN85NK | 9A7GVA                          |       | -  51
 IK4WKU/p       | 59    81 | 59     0  JN63ET | IK4WKU/6                        | RNZ   | - 382
 IK5ZWU         | 59    82 | 59   468  JN63GN | IK5ZWU/6                        |       | - 382
 9A2UB          | 59    87 | 59    74  JN86OB |                      54         |       | - 119
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 2017
 Description of other errors:
 RNZ = Received number is zero
 Claimed QRB score:    94940  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=9438)
 Corrected QRB score:   7421  Errors: 21.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:    71
 Total of 8 WWL Squares Worked
 E73JHI Unique QSOs:

 Station:   E73MM
 Locator:   JN93MN
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:     2135  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=2145)
 Corrected QRB score:   2145  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:    16
 Total of 6 WWL Squares Worked
 E73MM Unique QSOs:

 Station:   E73ZR
 Locator:   JN93MN
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 T92B           | 59     8 | 59     1  JN84XE |                       2         |       | - 112
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  112
 Claimed QRB score:     1790  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1800)
 Corrected QRB score:   1688  Errors: 6.2%
 Number of valid QSOs:    15
 Total of 5 WWL Squares Worked
 E73ZR Unique QSOs:
  YU1SRD     KN03FN

 Station:   E77DD
 Locator:   JN94DD
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 E73JHI         | 59    53 | 59    87  JN85KA |                      85         |       | - 149
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  149
 Claimed QRB score:    10683  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=10713)
 Corrected QRB score:  10564  Errors: 1.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:    65
 Total of 10 WWL Squares Worked
 E77DD Unique QSOs:
  E74AG      JN83VP
  E74EE      JN93FU

 Station:   E78AB
 Locator:   JN84OR
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 9A6PTJ         | 59    13 | 59    13  JN95JG | 9A5TJ                           |       | - 139
 YU7DD          | 59    67 | 59    48  JN95VD |                      47         |       | - 209
 9A3MF          | 59   110 | 59    41  JN85MD | 9A4MF                    JN85NK | DUPE  | -  49
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  397
 Claimed QRB score:    19484
 Corrected QRB score:  19087  Errors: 2.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:   133
 Total of 11 WWL Squares Worked
 E78AB Unique QSOs:
  YT7AW      JN95RD
  YT7RVT     JN95WE

 Station:   T92B
 Locator:   JN84XE
 Band:      144 MHz
 Categoty:  OF kat. 144MHz only FM

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 9A5TJ          | 59     1 | 59    35  JN85JG |                          JN95JG |       | - 152
 YT1DIM         | 59     3 | 59    51  JN93MN |                          JN94RO |       | - 112
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  264
 Claimed QRB score:     1251  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1257)
 Corrected QRB score:    993  Errors: 21.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:     8
 Total of 5 WWL Squares Worked
 T92B Unique QSOs:
  E73KW      JN83WF