Error log: TESLA MEMORIJAL 2008
 Kategorija I
 Station:   YT0A
 Locator:   KN04CD
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YO2LAM         | 599   21 | 599    3  KN05PS |                 59              |       | - 200
 OE6DRG/6       | 59    34 | 59     4  JN77KC |                 55              |       | - 530
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  730
 Claimed QRB score:    13861
 Corrected QRB score:  13131  Errors: 5.3%
 Number of valid QSOs:    35
 Total of 21 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YT1PZZ
 Locator:   KN03JG
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:     6142  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1142)
 Corrected QRB score:   1142  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:     5
 Total of 5 WWL Squares Worked
 Station:   YT2L
 Locator:   KN03EH
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YU1B           | 599    3 | 599    9  KN04GT |                                 | NIL   | - 168
 YT0A           | 59     4 | 59    10  KN04UC |                          KN04CD |       | - 139
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  307
 Description of other errors:
 NIL = Not in the log
 Claimed QRB score:     1019
 Corrected QRB score:    712  Errors: 30.1%
 Number of valid QSOs:     3
 Total of 3 WWL Squares Worked
 Station:   YT2T
 Locator:   KN13AG
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:      301  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=303)
 Corrected QRB score:    303  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:     2
 Total of 2 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YT5TT
 Locator:   KN03XH
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:      293  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=295)
 Corrected QRB score:    295  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:     2
 Total of 2 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YU1B
 Locator:   KN04GT
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OK5Z           | 599   13 | 599   57  JN89AK |                      58         |       | - 617
 DM7M           | 599   24 | 599  149  JO60LK | DM7A                            |       | - 845
 OK1KJB         | 599   30 | 559   57  JN79IO |                599              |       | - 692
 OK2DGB         | 599   31 | 599   52  JN79RL |                559              |       | - 646
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 2800
 Claimed QRB score:    12900  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=12917)
 Corrected QRB score:  10117  Errors: 21.7%
 Number of valid QSOs:    29
 Total of 17 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YU1EM
 Locator:   KN04FT
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 9A3B           | 599    5 | 599    8  JN95FQ |                559              |       | - 185
 9A6K           | 599    8 | 339   12  JN85WL |                599              |       | - 216
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  401
 Claimed QRB score:     1315  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1316)
 Corrected QRB score:    915  Errors: 30.5%
 Number of valid QSOs:     8
 Total of 5 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YU7W
 Locator:   JN95RD
 Band:      1.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 1.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:     2622
 Corrected QRB score:   2622  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:    13
 Total of 9 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YT0A
 Locator:   KN04CD
 Band:      2.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 2.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OK1KCI         | 599    7 | 599   20  JO80GF |                                 | NIL   | - 731
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  731
 Description of other errors:
 NIL = Not in the log
 Claimed QRB score:     2755
 Corrected QRB score:   2024  Errors: 26.5%
 Number of valid QSOs:     6
 Total of 6 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YU1B
 Locator:   KN04GT
 Band:      2.3 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 2.3GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 S50C           | 599    2 | 559    9  JN76JG |                599              |       | - 477
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  477
 Claimed QRB score:     7666  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=3839)
 Corrected QRB score:   3362  Errors: 12.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:     8
 Total of 8 WWL Squares Worked

 Station:   YT1PZZ
 Locator:   KN03JG
 Band:      10 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 10GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:     1350  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=35)
 Corrected QRB score:     35  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:     1
 Total of 1 WWL Squares Worked
 Station:   YT2L
 Locator:   KN03EH
 Band:      10 GHz
 Categoty:  I kat. 10GHz

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -    0
 Claimed QRB score:       35
 Corrected QRB score:     35  Errors: 0.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:     1
 Total of 1 WWL Squares Worked