Error log: TESLA MEMORIJAL 2008
 Kategorija G
 Station:   YT0A
 Locator:   KN04CD
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 S57P           | 59    30 | 59    34  JN86AO | S59P                            |       | - 426
 YP8A           | 59    33 | 59     8  KN27SK | YP8A/p                          |       | - 553
 YP2U/p         | 59    47 | 59     5  KN05TO |                599              |       | - 197
 YO2IS          | 599   48 | 59     9  KN05PS |                599              |       | - 200
 9A5Y           | 599   56 | 599   88  JN85PO |                      78         |       | - 282
 OL3Z           | 59    78 | 59   315  JN79FX |                     314         |       | - 781
 S53FI          | 599  106 | 599   27  JN75MT |                      28         |       | - 447
 OK1KNF         | 59   109 | 59   153  JN69MJ |                 53              |       | - 799
 S52AU          | 599  113 | 599   27  JN76HI |                          JN76IK |       | - 502
 LZ2WE          | 59   130 | 59     1  KN13OT | LZ2ZY                           | DUPE  | - 243
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 4430
 Claimed QRB score:    51092  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=51094)
 Corrected QRB score:  46664  Errors: 8.7%
 Number of valid QSOs:   119
 Total of 36 WWL Squares Worked
 YT0A Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YT0T
 Locator:   KN04FP
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YO2KJJ/p       | 599    4 | 599   35  KN15FI |                                 | NIL   | - 176
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  176
 Description of other errors:
 NIL = Not in the log
 Claimed QRB score:     1876  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=1879)
 Corrected QRB score:   1703  Errors: 9.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:     7
 Total of 6 WWL Squares Worked
 YT0T Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YT1Z
 Locator:   KN13HI
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YT0A           | 59     3 | 59    14  KN04CD |                 55              |       | - 214
 OM3TZQ         | 59    11 | 59    74  JN98OP |                          JN98HP |       | - 645
 HA6KDQ         | 59    24 | 59    86  JN97LN | HA5KDQ                          |       | - 549
 9A3LN/p        | 59    25 | 59    16  JN95KT |                599              |       | - 404
 LZ9X           | 59    26 | 59     1  KN14TG |                          KN12TG |       | - 130
 OM8A           | 59    27 | 59   189  JN87WV |                599              |       | - 626
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 2568
 Claimed QRB score:     8865
 Corrected QRB score:   6297  Errors: 29.0%
 Number of valid QSOs:    22
 Total of 13 WWL Squares Worked
 YT1Z Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YT2L
 Locator:   KN03EH
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YT1Z           | 59    10 | 59     9  KN13HI |                      19         |       | - 183
 OK1KFB         | 59    20 | 59    74  JN68UN |                          JN68UW |       | - 779
 YU2A           | 59    24 | 59    10  KN03AG |                          KN13AG |       | -  28
 HA1VQ/p        | 599   31 | 599   39  JN97FI |                          JN87FI |       | - 474
 OM6A           | 59    37 | 59    94  JN99JC |                     194         |       | - 656
 S57Q           | 59    43 | 59    77  JN76PA |                      17         |       | - 503
 OK2M           | 59    52 | 59   269  JN69UN |                     289         |       | - 862
 9A5EY          | 599   56 | 599   55  JN85PO | 9A5Y                139         |       | - 354
 OM3WEB         | 599   62 | 599   93  JN97CT |                 59              |       | - 529
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 4368
 Claimed QRB score:    27445
 Corrected QRB score:  23077  Errors: 15.9%
 Number of valid QSOs:    56
 Total of 26 WWL Squares Worked
 YT2L Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YT3Z
 Locator:   JN93WX
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 HG4F           | 599   14 | 599   84  JN97KR | HG7F                            |       | - 425
 HA6W           | 59    20 | 59   161  KN08FB |                599              |       | - 457
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -  882
 Claimed QRB score:     5141
 Corrected QRB score:   4259  Errors: 17.2%
 Number of valid QSOs:    18
 Total of 10 WWL Squares Worked
 YT3Z Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YU1HFG
 Locator:   KN12FT
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YU2EA          | 59     5 | 59     4  KN03WA |                          KN03WH |       | -  53
 YU1AS          | 599   12 | 599   14  KN12FT |                      15         |       | -   1
                                                                     Sum of lost points: -   54
 Claimed QRB score:     2279  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=2278)
 Corrected QRB score:   2224  Errors: 2.4%
 Number of valid QSOs:    11
 Total of 6 WWL Squares Worked
 YU1HFG Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YU7AJM
 Locator:   JN95UD
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YR2Y           | 59    24 | 59    28  KN05TO |                599              |       | - 159
 HA0HO          | 599   29 | 599  110  KN07SU |                      11         |       | - 333
 OL7W           | 599   31 | 599  242  JN99CL | OL9W                            |       | - 495
 HA5KDQ         | 599   34 | 599  242  JN97LN |                     147         |       | - 275
 E75DX          | 599   35 | 599   25  JN84MX |                      35         |       | - 211
 9A2KD          | 599   38 | 599   28  JN85ES |                          JN85EI |       | - 270
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 1743
 Claimed QRB score:    30000  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=11001)
 Corrected QRB score:   9258  Errors: 15.8%
 Number of valid QSOs:    38
 Total of 18 WWL Squares Worked
 YU7AJM Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YU7DZ
 Locator:   JN95VD
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 YU7AA          | 59     6 | 59     9  JN85NS |                          JN95NS |       | - 220
 YT1WV          | 59    13 | 59    31  JN94PI |                          KN04FP |       | -  97
 YR2Y           | 59    16 | 59    10  KN05FI |                          KN05TO |       | -  58
 YU1EM          | 59    20 | 59    16  KN04FT |                      17         |       | -  65
 9A3LN/p        | 59    27 | 599    7  JN95KT |                 59    8         |       | - 103
 HA6W           | 59    29 | 599   78  KN08FB |                 59              |       | - 329
 HG7F           | 59    30 | 59    96  JN97KR |                 55              |       | - 296
 OK2KYC         | 599   33 | 599  144  JN99BM |                559              |       | - 503
 OM3KTP         | 599   37 | 599   12  KN08OS |                      13         |       | - 418
 OK2BVE         | 599   39 | 599   82  JN99JQ |                                 | NIL   | - 511
 OL7M           | 599   40 | 599  374  JO80FG |                 55              |       | - 622
 UW5Y           | 599   46 | 599   75  KN28OP |                          KN18OP |       | - 567
 YO2KCB         | 599   47 | 599   64  KN15UB |                          KN15AD |       | - 308
 YU7AJM         | 59    49 | 599   42  JN95UD |                 59              |       | -   7
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 4104
 Description of other errors:
 NIL = Not in the log
 Claimed QRB score:    35633  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=13633)
 Corrected QRB score:   9529  Errors: 30.1%
 Number of valid QSOs:    36
 Total of 19 WWL Squares Worked
 YU7DZ Unique QSOs:

 Station:   YU7W
 Locator:   JN95RD
 Band:      432 MHz
 Categoty:  G kat. 432MHz vise operatora

                | Sent     | Received         | Correct data                    | Other | Lost
 Call           | RST NR   | RST  NR   LOC    | Call           RST  NR   LOC    | error |points
 OL7M           | 59    20 | 59   104  JO80FG |                 55              |       | - 613
 YR2Y           | 599   36 | 599   18  KN05TO |                 59              |       | - 177
 HG6W           | 59    37 | 59    46  KN07AV | HG6V                            |       | - 310
 DK5NJ          | 59    40 | 59   167  JO50TI |                                 | NIL   | - 824
 OK1KFB         | 59    71 | 59   158  JN68UW |                     157         |       | - 607
 YU7FF          | 59    79 | 59     1  JN95WG | YU7YG                           |       | -  36
                                                                     Sum of lost points: - 2567
 Description of other errors:
 NIL = Not in the log
 Claimed QRB score:    23970  Incorrect claimed QRB score and log summary (good=23973)
 Corrected QRB score:  21406  Errors: 10.7%
 Number of valid QSOs:    75
 Total of 30 WWL Squares Worked
 YU7W Unique QSOs:
  YU5MOL     KN05AS
  YU7KO      KN05AF