1. Organized by: "Savez Radio Amatera Srbije"


2. Date of Contest: Every first full weekend in May (03/04.05.2003)


3. Contest Time: Saturday 14:00 - Sunday 14:00 UTC


4. Participants: All amateur radio stations, according to their licenses.


5. Frequencies: All VHF, UHF and SHF bands according to IARU 1. region band plan.


6. Entry Categories:
  A) 50 MHz
  B) 144 MHz power up to 3W
  C) 144 MHz power up to 30W
  D) 144 MHz QRO
  E) UHF/SHF 432 MHz and 1.3 GHz
  F) SHF 2.4 GHz and higher
  G) VHF/UHF FM only
  H) Absolute category

7. Modulation types allowed: A1A, J3E, F3E; F2 at 1.3GHz and higher bands according to the IARU recommendations.


8. Exchange: RS/T, contest number starting with 001 at each band (increments by one for each QSO) and World Wide QTH locator.


9. Points:

1.       144 MHz 1 km = 1 point

2.       432 MHz 1 km = 2 points

3.       1296 MHz 1 km = 5 points

4.       Above the 2GHz 1 km = 10 points

5.       50 MHz 1 km = 1 point


10. Special Conditions:

1.       Only one QSO per band with correspondent can be marked as a valid.

2.       Dupes have to be included and clearly marked in contest log as well, with zero points assigned for each one.

3.       Once chosen, contest location cannot be changed during the contest.

4.       QSO trough active repeater, using unmatched (crossed) modulations or cross-band contacts are not permited.

5.       Any error made in data exchange leads to the QSO invalidation and point cut for both stations.

6.       An entry with more than five-percent duplicate contacts left in the Log or if station's log is mailed after the deadline will be automatically disqualified.
Score will be reduced for any data exchange errors, unmarked duplicate QSOs, QRB calculation errors or handwriting that is not legible.


11. The summary sheet has to be attached to the contest log.


12. The summary sheet must include:

1.       Contest name and date

2.       Station's call sign

3.       Contestants full name

4.       Contest category

5.       Station's WW QTH locator

6.       Station's address and home location

7.       Contest location (if different than home location)

8.       ASL [m]

9.       Equipment description (TX power, antennas, etc.)

10.   Names and call signs of all participating operators

11.   Number of valid QSO (per band)

12.   Number of points (per band)

13.   Summary score sheet (points)

14.   The most distant station QSO data (call sign, WW QTH, QRB)

15.   Signature of the first operator, a declaration of hold on HAM spirit and national telecommunication laws and rules


13. Each Contest log entry must contain:

1.       Call sign

2.       Contest Date

3.       Time UTC (GMT)

4.       Sent and received RS/T

5.       QSO number sent and received

6.       WW QTH Locator of each contestant station

7.       Mode

8.       Band/frequency

9.       QRB and scoring for each QSO


14. Entries for the competition must be postmarked by 19.05.2003.


15. Mail your Log to:


   Savez radio-amatera Srbije  or  RC Kragujevac, KRAGUJ YU1ARL


   P.O.Box 48                           P.O.Box 66

   11001 Belgrade                    34001 Kragujevac

   Serbia and Montenegro         Serbia and Montenegro



   E-mail:  yu1srs@beotel.yu or yu1arl@eunet.yu *


   Subject: V/U/SHF SRS - your_call

   Recommendable EDI file format.


16. Preliminary Contest scores will be aired by June 15th by "Radio-bulletin of SRS" (Thursday at 21 h, on 3725 KHz). Official Contest scores will be published by September 15th through all information media of the Amateur Radio Association of Srbia (SRS).


17. Ranking is international for all contest categories.


18. Awards:

  • Trophy and certificate will be awarded to the top scorer in each entry category.

Certificates will be awarded to 2nd to 5th scorer in each category.